concept: Jakub Wróblewski
project by Inexsistens: Wróblewski | Danowski | Isakov
virtual reality experience | six degrees of freedom | UE
choreographer: Marta Przybysz
mocap support: Bones Studio
The concept behind the script for the experience is derived from the interest in early film adaptations of SF cinema. They represented VR at the time and the transhumanist idea of feelings being virtually connected between two people alongside body structure studies and a possibility of expressing its motor skills through specific aesthetics. The project is a response to a current health situation – the limitation of interpersonal contacts caused by the pandemic and, as a result, causing social contacts to shadow into virtual space.
8-12.06.2022 NewImages Festival, XR Market, Paris, France
15.04.2021, Imagine Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
21.10.2021, Liminal – The Transitional State, Exhibition at Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
5-17.12.2021 (wy)obcowanie z Vr, Exhibition at Studio Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Photos from the exhibition of the project in the Arsenal Gallery – the display was arranged to correspond to the environment in the virtual space, the speakers organized in a quadrophonic system distributed the signal to the audiosphere in the VR space and extended to the gallery exhibition space.